30 Days Auspicious Date for ONE or TWO Person(s) Free 30 Days Auspicious Date for One/Two Person(s) Purpose: Determine the favorable date for two individuals within the next 30 days, specifically tailored for moving in or starting a renovation project. Limitations: Please note that the report will only cover the upcoming 30 days from the current date, and it will not include hourly analysis. If you need to find an auspicious date beyond the 30-day limit or require information on auspicious hours, you may want to consider purchasing our Selection of Auspicious Dates Service for further assistance. 1st Person Details Gender: -Gender-MaleFemaleDate of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): -dd-12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031-mm-01 / Jan02 / Feb03 / Mar04 / Apr05 / May06 / Jun07 / Jul08 / Aug09 / Sep10 / Oct11 / Nov12 / Dec Hour of Birth (optional): Unknown / I do not know?1am-2.59am - Ox Hour3am-4.59am - Tiger Hour5am-6.59am - Rabbit Hour7am-8.59am - Dragon Hour9am-10.59am - Snake Hour11am-12.59pm - Horse Hour1pm-2.59pm - Goat Hour3pm-4.59pm - Monkey Hour5pm-6.59pm - Rooster Hour7pm-8.59pm - Dog Hour9pm-10.59pm - Pig Hour11pm-12.59am - Rat Hour 2nd Person Details Leave the fields empty to generate auspicious date for One person. Enter the 2nd profile information if you wish to generate auspicious date for TWO persons. Gender: -Gender-MaleFemaleDate of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): -dd-12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031-mm-01 / Jan02 / Feb03 / Mar04 / Apr05 / May06 / Jun07 / Jul08 / Aug09 / Sep10 / Oct11 / Nov12 / Dec Hour of Birth (optional): I do not know?1am-2.59am - Ox Hour3am-4.59am - Tiger Hour5am-6.59am - Rabbit Hour7am-8.59am - Dragon Hour9am-10.59am - Snake Hour11am-12.59pm - Horse Hour1pm-2.59pm - Goat Hour3pm-4.59pm - Monkey Hour5pm-6.59pm - Rooster Hour7pm-8.59pm - Dog Hour9pm-10.59pm - Pig Hour11pm-12.59am - Rat Hour Browse our Auspicious Date ServicesHits: 427643 More FREE Reports Next Find your Chinese Horoscope Sign & Personal Ba Zi Element Prev